External mechanisms
The continual workof quality research
is committed to offering varied, quality programmingwhich
is proximate and familiar, and responds to the preferences of the public,
continuallycarriesout quality researchworkwhich
makes it possible to continue to increase knowledge of the habits of the
spectators and anticipate the tendencies of demand. The opinions of the
spectators regarding thequalityand relevanceof thecontentof theGroup
aremonitoredweekly through qualitative studies. According to these re-
ports, the contentmodel of the
Group creates confidence in
the spectators, both as regards the credibility and veracityof the content
and as regards the relevance for and adaptation to all thepublic.
These studieshelp toconfirm that themechanisms implemented internal-
ly are really effective for adapting the televisionmodel towhat the spec-
tator expects and for detecting alertswhen there aredistortions.
Moreover, during 2013, 71 discussion groups met, which meant listening
to the evaluations and opinions of 568 persons. This dialogue made it
possible tocontinuemakingan in-depth studyof the tastes anddemands
of the viewers and againmeant the verification of the positive evaluation
of the
Corporate Responsibility campaigns and the diverse
solidarity campaigns which were carried out throughout 2013. Emphasis
should be placed on the increased renown of these campaigns due to
their continuity in time togetherwith thepositiveevaluationof PonleFre-
no (Put thebrakeon it)due to its longperiodof screeningand itspositive
impact on society.
Active listening to the audience
Another important sourceof information inorder toknow theopinionsof
the audience are telephone calls and the social networks:
Telephone calls
Throughout 2013, approximately 31,000 calls were registered.
All the opinions, suggestions and consultations are included in a
weekly report which is sent to the areas affected in order to in-
form them and analyse the incidences detected.
Social networks
Besides the opinion groups and the telephone calls, during 2013,
the social networks were an important platform for listening to
the audience.
Atresmedia Televisión
increased research work in
this area inorder to complement thequalitative research and the
daily data from audiences. Moreover, most of its news and enter-
tainment programmes introduced the principle of the participa-
tionof the spectators through the social networks.
Newprocedure for the collectionof informationof the interest groups
Inorder tocomplete theexternalmechanisms for the supervisionof con-
is drafting a new procedure for the collection of infor-
mationwhich consists of analysing, standardizing and providing greater
utility to the informationwhich is received from interest groups through
thechannels alreadyestablished in theGroup. Thisnewmethodof analy-
siswill make it possible toget to knowbetter theperception the interest
groups have regarding
, aswell as toquantifyand respond to
theirmain requirement.
[G4-26 ]
During 2013,
71 discussion
that the
evaluations and
opinions of 568