overtaking cyclists
at theDGT
Thefirst of these studies focusedon theextent of thedamagecausedby
what is known as 'whiplash', themost common injury for those involved
in accidents onSpain's roads.
It has also been involved in other research projects on important road
safety issues. Some of the highlights include a study on overtaking cy-
clists, which has involved the Directorate General of Traffic and Miguel
Indurain and has concluded that one in every five drivers fails to respect
the safe distancewhen overtaking cyclists. It has also been involved in a
studyon injuries tomotorcyclists,whichdrew several conclusions, includ-
ing the fact that 60%of abrasion injuries occur during the summer.
The key findings of these studies are available at:
Yes to radars that save lives
Yes to radars, but only where they are necessary. This is the philosophy
behind this campaign being run by
Ponle Freno
since 2012. It supports
installing radars,mainly in two-way secondary roads, andargues that the
radars currently installed in sections with low accident rates should be
gradually moved to sections considered dangerous or with a high acci-
dent rate.
More than 100,000 signatures were collected, resulting in the Commis-
sion on Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility at the Congress of Depu-
ties unanimously approving inMarch 2013 a non-legislative proposal put
toplace radars in thenecessary sections towarn
thedriver of an approachingblack spot.
More than 100,000 signatures frommembers of thepublic led to
the approval of anon-legislativeproposal toonlyplace radars in
dangerous sections.