Proyecto PRO
is a project to train people with disabilities in the audio
visual field, and it has adual objective: on theonehand, tomake it easier
for them toenter the jobsmarket; andon theother, tohelpbusinesses in
this sector employpeople from this social group.
The initiative has the support of broadcasters and producers who allow
students to complement their theoretical training with work experience
in the company.
During 2013, the planned training has been given: the 'Technical Course
inMarketingandAdvertising for RadioandTelevision', at theUniversidad
Carlos III inMadrid; and the 'Post-graduate inAudiovisual Production', at
theUniversitat PolitécnicadeCatalunya.
For 2014, the project plans to continue and expand the training on offer.
For this, the foundationhas a three-year agreementwith theUniversidad
Rey Juan Carlos, as part of which the course 'Specialist inmanaging so-
cial networks' will be given in 2014. It has also signed a new agreement
with theGlobomediaFoundation, to launch a courseonperformance.
Another of its objectives is to increase the number of collaborating or-
ganisations inorder tooffermoreworkexperience incompaniesandhelp
those taking the various courses to enter the jobsmarket. During 2013, 6
students from among the alumni havebeen found aplace.
ProyectoPROhas been recognised in 2013with theSolidariodel
SeguroAward and theAvataHispaniaAward.
Manager of
(left) andThe
General Manager
of Fundación
Atresmedia (right)
sign a collaboration
agreement to
implement a
course as part of