_ Strengthen internal communication through theCasos de éxito
_ Strengthen communication throughmiddlemanagers.
_ Improve external communication through launching theMasters in
theManagement of Audiovisual Companies.
_ Improve thegroup spiritwith the creationof AtresmediaAvanza.
Social benefits
_ Explorenewways to improve social benefits.
_ Studymeasures to improve thework-lifebalance.
_ Continue topromote themotivation and strong commitment to
social action, through involvement or recognition.
Employee training is oneof the aspectsmost highly ratedby the
employees andoneof thepillars of Atresmedia's development
strategy. Therefore, theGroup is committed to continuewith the
TrainingPlan, basedon theneeds and functions of each area and job,
and to launch a talentmanagement system.
The salary policy of
is notable for being above the require-
ments established in the collective agreement and inmost cases, above
the sector average.
The remuneration of headcount is established in the current collective
agreement that was signed recently. The salary is defined depending on
the job as well as the functions and responsibilities, although the condi-
tionscanbe improvedonan individual level. The reviewand increasesare
madedependingonperformance andprofessional development.
Salarieswere frozenduring 2013 for senior andmiddlemanagement
aswell as an additional 10% reduction in their fixed salary subject to
the final EBITDA trendof theCompany.
On the other hand, remuneration of middle and senior management is
established individually. It consistsof abase salaryandavariableamount
linked to individual objectives; the result of 180º assessment andbusiness
results achievedby theGroupduring theprevious year.
(pag. 132-133)
Internal communication
Transparency is one of the strengths of
. Proof of this is that
during the last labor environment survey in 2013, the factors relative to
communication have been the best valued, with over 85% of positive
responses. These results are the result of greater involvement of senior
management in the transmission of themodel and the objectives of the
Group, aswell as the efforts of
to promote internal commu-
nication throughmiddlemanagement.