This process consists of different mechanisms, both internal and external:
Internal mechanisms
Principles of the Professional Ethical Code for news
Reference framework:
Declaration of Human Rights and
the Spanish Constitution.
Giving a voice to organisations and groups fighting for
the underprivileged and against inequality and injustice.
NGOs and new social movements as a basic pillar when
Equality, solidarity, coexistence, peace, freedom and
Principles of the Professional Ethical Code for news
Reference framework:
The constitution and the legal
framework that emanates from it.
Respect for
the dignity of people
Language and visual resources
in the news carefully
treated and monitored.
Principle of
separating the activities
of all the journalists
to avoid possible conflicts of interest.
Explicit clear separation between
news and advertising
Unambiguous differentiation between news content and
that involving interpretation or critical commentary.
Ban on accepting gifts.
Legal principle of the presumption of innocence.
Extreme rigour when there are minors involved.
Participation of viewers through the social
Contents committee
The Committee ensures the application of the Group's values in the creation of content,
both those generated internally as well as those commissioned from external producers,
over which strict control and monitoring is exercised.
Atresmedia Code of Conduct
General description of the policies, principles, objectives and values of Atresmedia. This
code makes these values explicit and visible, and unifies and reinforces the identity,
visibility and standards of conduct of the Group.
Ethical code of news services
The news services at Antena 3 and laSexta have professional ethical codes that ensure
a rigorous and high quality news service committed to the ethical and Corporate
Responsibility principles.
External mechanisms
Qualitative research
Communication with the audience
In 2014, Atresmedia Televisión continued its research work in collaboration with the
sector’s prestigious institutes, in order to complement the audience data supplied by
Kantar Media and therefore learn about preferences.
During 2014, 104 discussion groups were held which has resulted in the valuations of
832 people. This effort enables Atresmedia to be aware of the interests of the viewers
as well as the current trends and, as a result, produce better television.
In 2014, more than 29,000 phone calls were received from viewers who wanted to
communicate their opinions, suggestions and queries.
To mark the new Release Process for the Digital Dividend by the Government and the
re-tuning of the channels, Atresmedia has set up a call centre to deal with any possible
The commitment to the social networks has led Atresmedia Televisión to use a
measurement tool, Instar Social, created by KantarMedia, which offers official data
about television-related comments on twitter.