Atresplayer, theDigital Revolution
is the new online video and audio platform that brings to-
gether all the catch-up andVOD resources under a single brand, as well
as the completeoffer of live television and radio.
The new platform includes a whole range of highly innovative technical
features. Content can be enjoyed in HD and HD+, thus offering image
quality that is far superior tootheronlineplayersavailable today. Further-
more, DolbyDigital Plus sound can already be enjoyed on some devices
to provide sound clarity that was never possible before from an online
now includes anumber of new features that include theabil-
ity to enjoy content without the need for an Internet connection, access
to theoriginal soundtrackwith subtitles for foreignTV series, thecreation
of playlists and the ability to share content on themain social networks.
Thenewplatformhas a registration system that enablespersonalisedac-
cess to the various contents andprovides a useful tool for better knowl-
edgeof thevisitors to theplatformand improvedadjustment of thecon-
tent offer, which, in certain cases, can be accessed before they are aired
on live television.