In addition, an Experts Commission was created through Cabinet Reso-
lution on Corporate Governance, which produced a report with regula-
torymodification proposals inwhich, among other initiatives, it includes
guidelines on futuremodifications to be included in the Capital Compa-
niesAct regarding the remuneration regimeof administrators.
ThisCommissionwill alsobe responsible for reviewing the recommenda-
tions currently included in the UnifiedCode of GoodGovernance, which
contains aspects related to the remunerationof administrators.
In linewith thisnew impulse ingoodgovernance for listedcompanies, the
Appointments and Remunerations Commission of
Atresmedia Corpo-
has completed a survey of thematters which could be improved
and proposed specific measures to the Board, which have been imple-
mented in 2014. Someof thesemeasures are the following:
Approval by the Board, after reviewing the Appointments and Re-
munerations Commission Report, during the first quarter of each
year, of an assessment report of the Board, its commissions, the
ChairmanandDirectors, compared to thepreviousyear. In theevent
of requiring important changes to its internal organization or the
procedures applicable to its activities, these shall be reported in the
Annual CorporateGovernanceReport.
Approval by the Board, during the first quarter of each year, of a
report of its activities during theprevious year.
Approval by each of theBoardCommissions, during the first quar-
ter of eachyear, of a report of its activitiesduring theprevious year
and its notification to theBoard.
Approval by the shareholders, in conformity with Order
EEC/461/2013, of the Annual Remunerations of the Board Report,
which shall be distributed to the market through the CNMV and
constitutes a ‘relevant fact’.
From the moment the company made its IPO, in October
2003, all corporategovernance rules ofAtresmediaarepub-
lic and available on its corporate website
The Shareholders and Investors section
contains all the information that is provided to the Nation-
al Stock Exchange Commission (CNMV) such as for exam-
ple, financial reports, relevant facts, significant investments,
parasocial agreements, etc., in addition to other documents
that the company considers of interest to its shareholders
(management team, composition of administration bodies,
Group companies, past dividends, press releases, corporate
presentations, etc.).
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