Fundación Atresmedia runs radio workshops for children
In 2014,
Fundación Atresmedia
ran, together with professionals from
Onda Cero
, a radio workshop for children admitted to the Vinalopó hos-
pital in Elche. The children, in addition to helping to create the makeshift
studio, interviewed one of the paediatric nurses after receiving "wise ad-
vice" from the Elche journalist
Mayte Vilaseca
. This initiative, which aims
to entertain and bring radio closer to children, has already been run suc-
cessfully in other hospitals in other autonomous regions.
Onda Cero and the Universidad Nebrija launch their Masters in Radio
Onda Cero
and the Universidad Nebrija have jointly launched the Onda
Cero Masters in Radio, which lasts two semesters. The training allows
graduates to specialise in any of the professional roles in the world of ra-
dio: editor/presenter, programme director, producer, head of web content
and broadcasting manager, among others.
Almost 3,000 people learn about the day-to-day activity at Atresmedia
During 2014, more than 2,800 people, split into 114 groups (schools, uni-
versities, associations and advertisers), had the chance visit the facilities
and see the day-to-day activities of the Group. There was a particularly
large increase in requests for visits from university and masters students.