Quality management: continuous
strives to achieve the highest levels of quality, focusing its
internal management processes on continuous improvement.
For this reason, in 2014 the Group incorporated new improvements,
among which the following are the main highlights:
Improving the control process for systems, specifically in the
re-broadcasting of programmes in order to reduce as far as possible
the breaches caused by potential advertising saturation situations.
Improving operational procedures in studios
Improving the “back up” systems
to deal with possible problems in
critical equipment
Improving the process for the production and development of news
Investing in equipment for all the studios and sets in HD (High Defi-
During 2014 the Group's quality management system was extended to
the processes for the production and publication of multimedia content.
This has meant that the distribution of content through different multi-
media platforms (website, atresplayer, mobility, etc.) is also subject to an
internal quality system, so it can identify any incidents taking place and
establish improvement plans for their reduction/elimination.
Active participation in
the Media CSR Forum
to promote CR in the
In 2014,
continued participating in the Media Corporate Social Responsibility
Forum (Media CSR Forum), a forum specialising in Corporate Responsibility (CR) for the
media, comprised of some of the largest international communications companies such as
the BBC, The Guardian, BSkyB and RTL Group.
Created in 2001, the main objectives of the Media CSR Forum are to study the implications
of CR in the media, share best practice among companies in the sector and develop specific
research on CR and the media, among others.
The first
group in Europe to
publish an Annual and
CR Report following
the G.4 Global
Reporting Initiative
guidelines, in their
most comprehensive
was the first company in the communications industry in Eu-rope to draft and
verify its Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report fol-lowing the new standard in the G4
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guide-lines in their most comprehensive version. To apply
these new guidelines, Atresmedia has strengthened the analysis of forecasts and relevant
issues for its stakeholders, adding new studies and methodologies. Both the 2013 and 2014
reports follow this G4 standard.
In 2014, incidents
were 31% lower
than in the
previous year.