New contractual clauses
Guide on the use of cookies
Domain management
Personal data objection procedure
Flow of foreclosures
Due diligence measures in gambling activity
Purchases of goods and services
Customer billing objections
Blocking and unblocking of customers
Insolvency risks
Acting in emergencies
Media-for-Equity Investments
Internal Code of Conduct in matters relating to the Securities Mar-
Other IT control tools
, among which the following can be highlight-
Purchase management system
Contracting proposal management system
Quality System
Code of Conduct
: Its objective is to establish the policies, principles,
objectives and values that should guide behaviour within Atresme-
dia and in its relationships with third parties and society, creating a
culture and structure of responsible action that is shared, accepted
and respected by everyone to whom it applies.
The Code of Conduct forms part of the Atresmedia Good Govern-
ance and Corporate Responsibility policies. The Board of Directors
is responsible for directing and supervising all matters relating to its
effective compliance, as well as the obligation to adopt and imple-
ment the measures required for the necessary coordination of the
Code with the other regulatory and procedural elements of corpo-
rate governance.
The Code of Conduct mainly regulates the following aspects:
Regulatory compliance and respect for ethical values.
Relationship with and between employees.
Respect between people.
Professional development, equal opportunities and non-discrim-
Teamwork, collaboration and dedication.
The health and safety of people.
Processing of information.
Use and protection of assets.
Corruption and bribery.
Money laundering and irregularities in payments.
Respecting free competition.
Conflict of interests and loyalty to Atresmedia.
Relationships with customers, contractors and suppliers.
Corporate image and reputation.
Respecting the environment.
Social commitment.