Complaints channel
: This allows all employees to communicate,
simply and confidentially, anything that constitutes inappropriate
conduct or actions in light of the Code of Conduct or any other
applicable regulation.
Regulatory Compliance Committee (RCC)
: The body responsible
for managing, monitoring, coordinating and integrating the corpo-
rate policies and actions necessary to comply with the legislation
and Code of Conduct.
Head of Criminal Compliance
: The person responsible for provid-
ing the necessary advice to managers and directors of Atresmedia
when making decisions that could have criminal consequences.
They are also responsible for the operational coordination of the
measures necessary to apply the Code of Conduct and execute the
decisions adopted by the RCC. Finally, they are responsible for im-
plementing a crime prevention programme within
Data security
has a corporate security model that ensures compliance with
the legislation in matters of personal data protection, both within the or-
ganisation and by all its collaborators.
The model has a Security Committee responsible for ensuring that all the
activities performed by the Group conform to the legal standards.
In 2014, the control and improvement actions specified in previous years
continued to be worked on:
Information on the websites about the use of cookies, in accordance
with the criteria of the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos
(Spanish Data Protection Agency).
Review of the procedures applicable to the different legal risks in
the IT area.
Launch of a Communications Plan aimed at the users of computer
equipment and ICT resources at
to remind them of its
usage policies.
Disclaimer on computers that informs the user of the need to re-
sponsibly use them and comply with the applicable regulations.
All the legal compliance audits conducted in 2014 obtained favourable
During 2014
there were no
proceedings or
incidents relating
to a breach of
privacy, data loss
or unavailability.