and the development of the action plans and, on the other, the environ-
ment in which it acts. In turn, an assessment is conducted of the effective-
ness and design of the controls implemented in order to implement new
ones or mitigate any impact. The risks are regularly re-assessed in order
to check that their control is effective.
Regulatory Compliance
has established a regulatory compli-
ance model that ensures compliance with all the regulations, both those
specific to the sectors in which it operates and generic ones that may
affect it due to being a listed company or just generally (labour, tax, envi-
ronmental, etc.). There are also a series of internal policies and protocols
that are equally binding on the areas and businesses affected by them.
The system supervises this compliance through specific controls.
: In order to be able to identify the risks that impact to a greater
extent on one business process or another, the existing controls and the
improvement needs, a detailed process map has been developed where
the Group's risks and controls are linked to each process.
The main processes within the Risk and Control Management Model are
as follows:
Defining and preparing the corporate strategy.
Acquiring content and buying rights.
Producing content.
Designing the schedule and defining the programming strategy.
Purchasing goods, services and technology.
Marketing and selling advertising.
Attracting other income streams.
Information technology systems.
Managing the technical infrastructure.
Operationally managing assets and general infrastructures.
Human Resources and occupational health and safety.
Legislation and regulation.
Administration and finance.
: Risks and controls have been defined that affect the whole
of the
Group; as well as risks and controls that only affect
certain organisational units within the Group. Those responsible for each
organisational unit monitor the risks and controls associated with their