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In this same area,

Atresmedia Televisión

has signed up to the PAOS Code

which, within the framework of the NAOS Strategy on nutrition, physical

activity and the prevention of obesity, proposes guidelines for the adver-

tising of food and drinks aimed at children under 12.

Public Policies

Throughout 2014,


positioned itself and collaborated in the

development of public policies in the audiovisual sector and in other rele-

vant matters, among which the following can be highlighted:

Process of releasing

spectrum for the digital


Atresmedia Televisión

has been participating, both directly as well as

through UTECA, to ensure that during the process of releasing radio-

electric spectrum to provide greater capacity to broadband, and on

its completion, the public can continue enjoying the current television

offer through their DTT receivers.

High Definition


Atresmedia Televisión

promotes the implementation and

development of High Definition Television, offering the public the

programming on its major channels in this technology.

Supporting Spanish


The television networks have come out against the mandatory

"investment fee" to fund the production of films. The industry argues

that its own activity already strengthens the country's film industry,

without needing to impose this exclusive tax for this economic

activity. As a consequence,


trusts that the Constitutional

Court will quickly rule in favour of the argument put forward by the

private operators, after the Supreme Court has asked for its opinion

on the constitutionality of this fee.

Public television



has always understood that public television should

obtain its credibility and strength through offering a public service

and not from selling commercial space, making television for the

public and not for the advertisers. Therefore, it firmly supports Law

8/2009 regarding the funding of the RTVE Corporation, which

prohibits it from obtaining income from broadcasting commercial


Atresmedia Televisión

is working, both individually and through

UTECA, to achieve a true rationalisation of the public television sector

as a whole.

Reforms relating to the

collective management

of rights

In 2014,


actively worked, inside the Group and through

UTECA and AERC, on the process of modifying the Intellectual

Property Law, whose entry into force on 1 January 2015 results in a

need for transparency for the organisations involved in the collective

management of intellectual property rights, and demands objective,

fair and appropriate criteria for setting and applying the prices that

these organisations may charge for using the rights that they manage.


has launched

Crea Cultura

, a movement with a long-term vision that was

created to defend and recognise the value of intellectual property and raise awareness

about the consequences associated with its violation. The campaign has an open focus

and seeks to generate meeting and discussion opportunities that could help to find

solutions through dialogue.

Antena 3 Noticias


laSexta Noticias


Onda Cero

have been the main promoters of



. The Group has also broadcast, through various media channels (cinema, television,

internet, etc.), the awareness campaign "Nada es gratis. Siempre hay alguien que lo paga".

("Nothing is free. Someone always has to pay").

Within the framework of this initiative, a working group has also been created with experts

whose role is to develop audiovisual material about the importance of creativity, aimed

at the world of education. In the same area, this issue was the topic of discussion in the

Grandes Profes

meeting organised by

Fundación Atresmedia

, as well as in the first



forum about intellectual property and illegal downloading held at the Espacio
