Corporate Responsibility Management System
has established a Corporate Responsibility Management Sys-
tem, whose main objective is to provide value for the company, while
at the same time being more able to respond to the expectations of its
The system is structured around an Internal CR Committee that is re-
sponsible for ensuring compliance with the commitments defined in the
Corporate Policies and Codes and for transmitting them to the entire or-
ganisation. The Committee also establishes the annual corporate respon-
sibility objectives for each area and is responsible for implementing these
and reporting on their monitoring.
The management of Corporate Responsibility at
is aimed at
continuous improvement, taking as its foundation the analysis of stake-
holder expectations and the result of the initiatives launched for each of
Only through continuous interaction with stakeholders is it possible to
implement initiatives that truly meet their needs and expectations and
that produce the desired impact and results. Aware of this,
has established several communication channels, adapted to each stake-
holder, through which it collects their opinions. These include different
corporate e-mail addresses, running surveys, organising face-to-face fo-
cus groups, qualitative studies and many social networking profiles. One
of the main communication tools is the Corporate Responsibility Report
which is published annually and contains the most relevant data and is-
sues for
As the main new development, the 2014 CR Report has taken a further
step in both the quality of the content and transparency, and has followed
the current trends in reporting, looking in more depth at some of the
content recommended by the international framework for drafting IR re-
ports (Integrated Reporting) created by the IIRC (International Integrated
Reporting Council).
"As a member of the Monitoring Committee for the Self-Regulation Code of
Television and Infant Content since its creation, I have had an ongoing relationship
with Atresmedia for 10 years and I have taken part in some initiatives relating to
the Foundation and its corporate activity.
From this long relationship I can highlight its open attitude, keen to enter
into dialogue and aware of its Corporate Responsibility, beyond the logical
commercial interest in attracting the audience that defines the television
business. In particular, we can see the effort of Antena 3 in offering general and
family-oriented programming or, at least, programmes for all audiences".
Alejandro Perales
Chairman of the Asociación de Usuarios de la Comunicación (Association of
Communication Users - AUC)