2014 Initiatives
New initiatives receive the
‘El Estirón Recomendado’
(Recommended by El Estirón)
El Estirón continues its work to recog-
nise the healthiest initiatives through its
‘El Estirón recomendado’ seal. In 2014,
various projects were rewarded, such
as the story ¡Qué divertido es comer
fruta! (What fun it is to eat fruit!) by
Doctor María Teresa Barahona, and the
Centro de Profesionales de Nutrición y
Actividad Física (Professional Centre of
Nutrition and Physical Activity, PRON-
AF) for its work treating excess weight
and obesity and the advice it offers to
the El Estirón campaign.
All the projects receiving the ‘El Estirón Recomendado’ seal can be found on
2nd edition of the Coles Activos
El Estirón held the second edition of
the Coles Activos awards, with the in-
tention of recognising the centres that
promote original and fun initiatives
among their students in order to help
them grow up healthy.
Almost 100 schools across Spain took
part in the event. A committee of ex-
perts was responsible for selecting the
winning schools.
In order to make Coles Activos possi-
ble, El Estirón once again teamed up
with the "Padres y Colegios/Parents
and Schools" publication and the web-
site scholarum.es, the leading school
comparison and search site in Spain.
Best initiative in nutrition: Colegio Santo Domingo de Guzmán (Aranda de Duero, Burgos)
Best initiative in physical activity: IES Ribera del Arga, de Peralta (Navarre)
Best creative initiative: Colegio La Devesa (Carlet, Valencia)
Best global initiative: Colegio Público San Xoan de Filgueira, Ferrol (A Coruña)
La Asociación de Deportistas (The Athletes' Association) and El
Estirón unite to promote sporting values
Atresmedia has joined the 'Sports&Trops' project from the Athletes' Association
with the broadcasting of various audiovisual spots and reports in which profes-
sional athletes and ex-athletes share healthy habits such as a balanced diet, and
values inherent to sport such as companionship, dedication, teamwork and the
desire to excel.