Together for education
In 2014, the
as the central focus of its activ-
ities. All the initiatives in the organisation's Strategic Plan were based on
this issue during the year. Several activities were also launched aimed at
highlighting the valuable work of professionals in education and generat-
ing enriching debates about the sector.
For the second consecutive year, the
organised the 'Initiatives
that Educate' awards, in collaboration with Santillana, aimed at recognis-
ing best educational practice. A meeting was also organised at the Con-
gress of Deputies between more than 70 students, education advisers
and chairmen of school boards from different autonomous communities,
as well as different opinion leaders from the world of education to reflect
on the question 'How can education be improved?'.
Both actions, together with other meetings involving experts, have al-
lowed experiences to be shared, knowledge to be generated and have
positively impacted on the sector, as highlighted by various professionals
and teachers.
Monitoring of the 2014 Fundación Atresmedia Challenges
Level of compliance Comments
Strengthen the indicator system.
Indicators have been created for each project,
considering five criteria: impact, efficiency,
awareness, ability to attract funding and visibility.
Continue with the educational initiatives
supplementing the Strategic Plan, under the
'Together for Education' area.
Hold the 2nd edition of the 'Initiatives that
Educate' awards; meeting at the Congress of
Deputies between young people and education
advisers, among other initiatives.
Continue with personalised visits to hospitals
and ministries in other autonomous communities,
which help to identify the needs of each centre
and improve the quality and suitability of the
Hospital Assistance Programme.
The presence of the Hospital Assistance
Programme in all autonomous communities in
Spain has been achieved.
In 2014, the
organised the
2nd edition of the
'Initiatives that
Educate' awards,
and held a
meeting between
young people
and education
advisers at the
Congress of
'Children's Rights' Campaign
To mark the 25th anniversary of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, a
communication campaign has been run
consisting of 10 awareness spots with
10 different NGOs, who have each act-
ed as ambassadors and representatives
of a specific right.
The 'Un maestro una vida/One teacher,
one life' campaign has also managed
to raise 50,000 euros which will be do-
nated to the NGO CESAL to strength-
en the skills of more than 20 teachers
from schools in the communities of the
Amazon rainforest, as well as provide
10 schools with educational materials
in Spanish and their native language,
a move which will benefit more than
2,500 children.
10 spots from 10 different NGOs, broadcast to mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, have led to an increase in the awareness of the Spanish population about children's rights.