Ponle Freno-Axa Road Safety
Study Centre
In 2014, the Ponle Freno-Axa Road
Safety Study Centre continued its
research into the prevention of acci-
dents with the publication of several
studies, among which the highlight is
Driving habits in Spain. The report in-
cludes perceptions about safety, be-
haviour on the road and preventative
measures, based on more than 3,000
surveys completed by drivers, pedes-
trians, bikers and cyclists.
Another of the studies completed of-
fers interesting conclusions on how
breakdowns caused by a lack of vehi-
cle maintenance increased by 13% in
2013, and how 70% of drivers do not
declare a mutual statement of facts in
According to the study, Driving habits in Spain, one in five drivers admit that they have driven after
drinking alcohol, while 60% do not know the legal limits.
Ponle Freno Fun-Run: 1st edition
in Vitoria and 6th edition in
In 2014, for the first time, Ponle Freno
held a special edition of its traditional
fun-run in Vitoria as part of the city's
The Antena 3 presenter Jorge Fernán-
dez fired the starting gun for the race
which also saw the athlete Martín Fiz
take part. The funds raised were do-
nated in full to the Zuzenak Founda-
tion, which aims to achieve the social
integration and normalisation of disa-
bled people in the Basque Country.
Madrid, meanwhile, hosted its sixth
fun-run in November with a record
participation of more than 20,000
runners, among which were many
personalities from the worlds of tele-
vision, politics and sport. All the funds
raised, 200,000 euros, were donated
to two charity initiatives: the build-
ing of a therapeutic swimming pool
for people with spinal cord injuries
launched by the Step by Step Foun-
dation, and a research project about
customised neuro-driving in order to
improve road safety by the Guttmann
Institute Foundation.
More than 1,000 people took part in the first Ponle Freno fun-run in Vitoria. In Madrid, the sixth edition
of the sporting event attracted more than 20,000 runners.
Ponle Freno 2015
Promote road awareness in schools.
Publish a study about awareness and training for cyclists.
Expand the educational road safety content on the Ponle Freno website.