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To enhance the industry's self-regulation

The commitment of


to responsible advertising goes beyond

mere legislative compliance, as evidenced by the voluntary joining of dif-

ferent self-regulatory codes for the sector that establish guidelines and

requirements for ethical commercial communication that protects the

rights of individuals, especially children.

Self-regulation codes signed up to by




Código de Autorregulación de Radio/Radio Self-Regulation Code

(January 2013)


Código de Conducta sobre Comunicaciones Comerciales de las Ac-

tividades del Juego/Code of Conduct over the Commercial Com-

munications of Gambling Activities (2012)


Código de Autorregulación de la Publicidad de Alimentos Dirigida

a Menores, Prevención de la Obesidad y la Salud/Self-Regulation

Code for Food Advertising Aimed at Minors, Preventing Obesity

and Health (PAOS) (2010)


Código de Autorregulación de la Publicidad Infantil de Juguetes /

Self-Regulation Code for the Advertising of Children's Toys (modi-

fied in 2010)


Código de Autorregulación Publicitaria de Cerveceros de España/

Advertising Self-Regulation Code for Brewers in Spain (2009)


Código de Autorregulación del Vino/Wine Self-Regulation Code



Código de Autorregulación SMS/SMS Self-Regulation Code (2009)


Código de Autorregulación de la Federación Española de Bebidas

Espirituosas /Self-Regulation Code for the Spanish Spirits Federa-

tion (FEBE) (2006)

In 2014, the main change was the signing of an agreement between the

Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Ministerio de Sanidad,

Servicios Sociales e Igualdad) and the Association for Self-Care in Health

(Asociación para el Autocuidado de la Salud y Autocontrol) on

the ad-

vertising of medicines for human use

in order to ensure the truthfulness,

clarity and objectivity of these commercial communications and ensure

that all conditions imposed by the legislation in this matter are fulfilled.

Additionally, during the year there was an increase in the number of

non-binding preliminary consultations (copy advice) to Autocontrol over

adverts or projects for adverts about medicines or advertising for chil-

dren, among other sectors, which could result in some risk in terms of

compliance with the self-regulation codes.

Finally, a new virtual children's space (

Vertical Infantil Neox Kidz

) was

launched, which offers advertisers an educational multi-platform environ-

ment with different content for children between 0 and 11, in which their

adverts can be inserted without the risk of exposing minors to unsuitable

advertising messages.

In the area of protecting children, the extended hours of enhanced pro-

tection remain on all



In 2014, 139 legal


and 772 copy

advice requests

were made to


to prevent the

broadcast of

adverts that could

violate the self-

regulation codes

(14% more than in
