Likewise, the third edition of the
Marcha del Estirón
, managed to bring
together 9,000 people. Once again this year, parents and children walked
the 2.3 km together, with the finish line being established at the entrance
to the Warner Park in Madrid where the day ended with everyone enjoy-
ing the attractions.
Among the company's newest big commitments we can highlight the
Rexona Street Run
. It is the first 10 km running circuit to be approved
by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation, where Rexona, in accordance
with its
"HAZ:MÁS"(DO:MORE) philosophy, reinforced its commitment to
running as an engine for achieving personal objectives and goals. Seville,
Oviedo, Valladolid, Madrid, Mataró (Barcelona), Palma de Mallorca, Al-
bacete and Valencia were the 8 cities to host this sporting event, in which
more than 12,000 people took part.
In line with this growth and in order to meet the new demand from fans,
after the third edition of
(the most popular duathlon that this year
took place in Madrid and Alicante and saw more than 2,000 people take
part) the
Land Warriors!
experience was organised, an exceptional ob-
stacle course for all ages held on 5 October in Majadahonda (Madrid).
Sponsored by Land Rover and organised by Runin together with
media Eventos
, it featured a special area with obstacles such as sandbox-
es, stones, mud, water and ramps.
Atresmedia Eventos
also organised the second edition of the
, a fun run that combined the best of this fashionable sport with bull
running. With support from the Council of San Sebastián de los Reyes, in
Madrid, and with the town's festival in full swing, this pioneering sporting
event took to the streets and, of course, to the section set aside for the
bull run.
In 2015 the company will continue strengthening this area of business by
adding new competitions of the status of the famous
Seville Marathon
in which
will form part of the organisation and promotion of
the event.
Halfway between sports and entertainment,
Atresmedia Eventos
, togeth-
er with the Proactiv group, brought the only live wrestling show to Spain.
The show, which formed part of the WWE Live tour, converted Madrid
into the centre of action for the most spectacular wrestling show.
Big festivals and live music
The first edition of
Neox Rocks
, in San Sebastián de los Reyes, was the
first major festival to be organised by
Atresmedia Eventos
. This involved
two stages, groups such as Marky Ramone and Izal, and an auditorium full
of people waiting to watch, as headliners, one of the most popular punk
bands, The Offspring. The Californian group gave a wild concert in which
they played all the songs from their album 'Smash' and went through the
greatest hits of their career.
In July, together with Live Nation,
Atresmedia Eventos
brought the great-
est electronic music show to Spain, under the name
Barcelona Beach Fes-
. More than 25,000 people danced in a unique setting, the Platja de
la Pau, to the sounds of Avicii, David Guetta and Steve Angello, the three
most important DJ's of the moment, who shared a stage for the first time
thanks to this festival.
The first edition
of Neox Rocks, in
San Sebastián de
los Reyes, was the
first major festival
to be organised
by Atresmedia