Pioneering formulas
tooptimise revenue
Inorder toseeknew revenuestreamsother than fromadvertising, theNew
BusinessDepartment iscommerciallyexploiting thechannel’sbrandsand
generating interactive formats for the audience by supporting itself on
the communication capacityof thegroup’smedia.
To thatend, theNewBusinessDepartment identifiesgrowingsectorsand,
by looking forward, adaptsexistingbusinessmodels tomarket trendsand
changes to the legal environment.
Antena 3
was the first channel nationwide to implement commercial for-
mats based on the new technologies, aswell as to launch SMS Premium
in 2011, Call TV in 2006, promotionswith the printed press for the distri-
butionofDVDs in2006, thenational broadcastingof poker sportsevents
in2008, astrologyprogrammes in2009andprogrammes for playing live
roulette andbingo in 2012.
TheNewBusiness Department is working in close coordinationwith the
otherdepartmentsof thecompany toproduceall itsprojectsdirectlyand
maintain close control over all launches so as to ensure they reach the
user as desired.
2013wasadifficultyear for thedevelopmentofonlinegaming.Compared
with the sustained growth expected for the sector following the regula-
tions that came into effect in June 2012, the figures published by the
DirecciónGeneral deOrdenación del Juego (Directorate-General for the
Regulationof Gambling) show a6.5%downturn in the amountsgambled
and a 15.6%downturn in net revenue per game betweenQ1 andQ3 2012
(themost recent year forwhichmarket figures havebeenpublished).