Outstanding initiatives in 2014
In 2014, initiatives were implemented aimed at improving the Group’s Corporate Responsibility
management model and its relationship with stakeholders.
Media partner in
Spain of the largest
global conference on
sustainability applied
to brands.
is a media partner of Sustainable Brands® Barcelona, the largest global
conference on sustainability applied to brands which will take place in Barcelona on 27 and
28 April 2015. The event is taking place in our country for the first time and its objective is
to contribute to raising awareness about the problems and opportunities posed by social
and environmental challenges, and to searching for joint solutions.
Sustainable Brands® is a global community with more than 500,000 specialists from
innovative companies and brands.
Active participation in
the Media CSR Forum
to promote CR in the
In 2014,
continued participating in the Media Corporate Social Responsibility
Forum (Media CSR Forum), a forum specialising in Corporate Responsibility (CR) for the
media, comprised of some of the largest international communications companies such as
the BBC, The Guardian, BSkyB and RTL Group.
Created in 2001, the main objectives of the Media CSR Forum are to study the implications
of CR in the media, share best practice among companies in the sector and develop specific
research on CR and the media, among others.
The first
group in Europe to
publish an Annual and
CR Report following
the G.4 Global
Reporting Initiative
guidelines, in their
most comprehensive
was the first company in the communications industry in Eu-rope to draft and
verify its Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report fol-lowing the new standard in the G4
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guide-lines in their most comprehensive version. To apply
these new guidelines, Atresmedia has strengthened the analysis of forecasts and relevant
issues for its stakeholders, adding new studies and methodologies. Both the 2013 and 2014
reports follow this G4 standard.
Incorporation into the
Asociación Española
para la Calidad
(Spanish Quality
Association) and its
CSR Committee.
has joined the Spanish Quality Association and its CSR Committee, which
works to integrate CR into the strategy of organisations. In 2014, the Group hosted one of
the Committee's meetings.
Participation in the
RTL Group's CR
The communications group RTL, one of the leading international companies, has created
CR Network, a discussion forum involving Social Responsibility representatives from the
different companies in the group in order to share knowledge and best practice, and work
to define a common strategy and implement this in the future.
was invited to
take part in this committee, which met for the first time last March.
Atresmedia rises to
24th place in the
Reporta ranking and
4th in the ranking of
the top 10 non-IBEX.
leader in the consumption services and media sectors, according to the 2014
Informe Reporta In 2014,
rose to
24th place
in the Reporta Ranking, up from
38th in 2013, and occupies
fourth place in the ranking of the top 10 non-Ibex
, up from
from 9th in 2013. For the third consecutive year
is the best media organisation
in the ranking. Informe Reporta is a study of the quality of information provided to the
market by the companies who comprise the Madrid Stock Exchange general index (IGBM).