Promotion of own talent
Throughout 2015, a specific
Talent Management
programme will be im-
plemented. Its objective is to encourage internal promotion within the or-
ganisation, identifying and promoting 'breeding grounds for professionals'
without the need to resort to external recruitment and selection processes.
During 2014, various initial measures were implemented such as including
managers in the language training programme and launching coaching
training initiatives, in which 13 professionals from the organisation have
“I remember that, 25 years ago, Antena 3 Radio was my favourite station. I
listened to it all the time and the presenters were an important part of my life and
the lives of the people close to me. One day, in November 1989, I was invited to
join the Antena 3 television project. I still get excited just talking about it.
Despite the long hours, the weekends we had to work, the huge effort needed as
a result of the small budgets and, of course, our lack of experience, nothing can
cloud the excitement and the wonderful memories of those days.
Over the years, in each of the stages in which I have had the luck to be involved,
which have been all of them, the main feelings have been a sense of belonging
and identity”.
Emilio Maestro
Chief Accounting Officer