At 31 December 2015, the shares of the Parent held by it represented 0.350% of the
Parent's share capital and totalled 789,738 shares, with a value of EUR 8,666 thousand
and an average acquisition price of EUR 10.97 per share.
The changes in “Treasury Shares” in 2015 and 2014 were as follows:
Number of shares
At beginning of year
Delivery of shares (Note 11-h)
At end of year
Pursuant to the partial novation of the integration agreement entered into on 14
December 2011, which definitively concluded a series of matters related to the
guarantee and commitment regime of the initial integration agreement for the merger
with Gestora de Medios Audiovisuales la Sexta, S.A., the Parent delivered to the
shareholders Imagina Media Audiovisual, S.L. and Mediapro Contenidos, S.L. (Sole-
Shareholder Company) an additional ownership interest equal to 0.248% of the Parent's
share capital, i.e. a total of 558,957 shares (see Note 11-h).
Also, under the integration agreement relating to Gala Desarrollos Comerciales, S.L. (see
Note 11-h), a portion of the aforementioned additional ownership interest, equivalent to
0.158% (355,856 shares) was transferred to that company.
Both transactions represented a total of 914,813 treasury shares delivered in 2015.
On 6 March 2014, the Parent reported through a relevant event communication the sale
for EUR 79,680 thousand of a total of 6,298,784 treasury shares representing 2.79% of
its share capital. The carrying amount of these shares was EUR 39,601 thousand. The
difference between both amounts was recognised in equity. This transaction carried a
cost of 1% on the sale price, which was also recognised in equity.
The Annual General Meeting held on 22 April 2015 approved a resolution authorising the
Parent to acquire treasury shares provided that they did not exceed the maximum legal
limit permitted by law at any given time. This limit is set at 10% of the subscribed share
capital by Article 509 of the Spanish Limited Liability Companies Law, approved by
Legislative Royal Decree 1/2012, of 2 July. This authorisation is in force until 2020 and
rendered null and void the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting on 24
March 2010.
At the Annual General Meeting held on 22 April 2015, the shareholders of the Parent
ratified, among other resolutions, the distribution of 2014 profit, allocating the maximum
amount of EUR 44,878 thousand to the payment of dividends, of which EUR 22,341
related to an interim dividend paid on 18 December 2014.
Once the dividend rights of the treasury shares had been attributed, a final dividend
amounting to EUR 22,423 thousand was paid on 18 June 2015, as per the following
Final dividend of EUR 0.10 per share relating to 223,405,910 ordinary shares
identified by the Spanish National Securities Coding Agency with ISIN 019427734, paid
in full out of the Parent's profit for 2014, amounting to EUR 22,340 thousand and
representing 13% of the par value.
Dividend of EUR 0.07 per share relating to 1,181,296 ordinary shares identified by
the Spanish National Securities Coding Agency with ISIN 019427015 which, as