The corporate governance system
of Atresmedia
has a set of bodies, control mechanisms and internal regulations that comprise
its Corporate Governance System. Its objective is to be transparent and efficient in
directing and running the organisation, which generates value for shareholders and other
2015 has been a crucial year and one of major advances in issues of corporate governance.
General Meeting of
Board of Directors
External regulations
Internal regulations
Risk management
and control model
Corporate Enterprises Act, Securities Market Act, Good Governance Code for Listed
Companies, SCIFF, etc.
Bylaws, regulations, code of conduct, corporate policies, internal protocols.
Compliance and crime prevention model
SAP-GRC system, enquries and complaints channel, regulatory system
for conduct in issues of the securities market, etc.
Delegated Committee
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
Audit and Control Committee
Regulatory Compliance Committee
System of corporate governance
Many of the initiatives that commenced in 2013, with the creation —through the
Agreement of the Council of Ministers— of the Committee of Experts in Corporate
Governance, have come to fruition this year:
In the first months of 2015, companies incorporated into their internal regulations the
reforms introduced through Law 31/2014, of 3 December, which serves to amend,
following the proposals of the aforementioned Committee of Experts, the Corporate
Enterprises Act for improved corporate governance.
Through a Resolution of the Board of the CNMV of 18 February 2015, the new Good
Governance Code for Listed Companies was approved, also drawn up with the support
and advice of the aforementioned Committee of Experts.
This Code incorporates specific Recommendations on corporate social responsibility
that hitherto had been excluded from the application scope of previous Good
Governance Codes. This represents a major advance in driving the commitment of
companies, who need to review the monitoring of these recommendations under the
“comply” or “explain” principle. It has also legally reinforced: the annual corporate
governance report needs to set out the level to which corporate governance
recommendations are followed or, if applicable, give an explanation as to why these
recommendations are not followed.