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The Group uses the strategic plans of the various businesses to calculate any possible

impairment losses and discounts expected future cash flows. The Group prepares the various

projections individually, taking into account the expected future cash flows of each cash-

generating unit.

At 31 December 2015, on the basis of the recoverability analysis conducted on the “Other

Businesses” cash-generating unit (CGU), the Group recognised an impairment loss on the

goodwill relating to Cordina Planet, S.L.U. amounting to EUR 3,181 thousand under

“Impairment and Gains and Losses on Disposals of Non-Current Assets” in the consolidated

statement of profit or loss.

For the “Radio” cash-generating unit (which coincides with the radio segment), the key

assumptions on which the cash flow projections are based relate mainly to advertising

markets, audience figures, advertising efficiency ratios and cost forecasts. Except for

advertising, which is measured on the basis of external sources of information, the data

assumptions are based on past experience and reasonable projections approved by

management of the Parent and updated in accordance with the performance of the

advertising markets.

These future projections cover the next five years. The cash flows for the years not

considered in the projections are estimated to be perpetual, with growth of 0%.

In assessing value in use, the estimated cash flows are discounted to their present value

using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of

money and the risks specific to the assets. In order to calculate the rate, the current time

value of money and the risk premiums generally used by analysts for the business and

geographical area (Spain) are taken into account, giving rise to future discount rates of 9%-

10% in 2014 and 2015.

Based on the methods used and the estimates, projections and valuations of value in use

available to the Parent's directors, at the date of presentation of these consolidated financial

statements, it was determined that the goodwill recognised by the Group represents its

recoverable amount and, therefore, it was not necessary to recognise any impairment losses.

The Group also performs sensitivity analyses when there are reasonably possible changes in

the key assumptions used to calculate the recoverable amount of the “Radio” cash-

generating unit. In this respect, the sensitivity analyses are prepared under various

scenarios on the basis of the variables deemed most significant, i.e. advertising revenue,

which depends mainly on the performance of the advertising market and the investment

share, and the discount rate.

The sensitivity analysis conducted demonstrates that an increase in the perpetuity growth

rate of 1.0% would give rise to an increase in value of EUR 13 million, whereas a decrease in

the perpetuity growth rate of 1.0% would give rise to a decrease in value of EUR 11 million.

Similarly, a decrease of 1.0% in the discount rate would give rise to an increase of EUR 18

million. The changes in value used in all the sensitivity analyses would not reduce the

recoverable amount below the carrying amount. With a perpetuity growth rate of zero and

increases in the discount rate of more than 1.0%, the recoverable amount would be below

the carrying amount.