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Further information on

Crea Cultura

Organisation and participation

in forums and debates

Pública 2015


Crea Cultura

took part in the

international cultural management meeting Pública

2015, organised by Mario Tascón, who presented the

campaign, and Mikel Lejarza, chairman of



, who took part in the section "Un Café con… (A

Coffee with...)"

International Spanish Forum


Crea Cultura


part in the first International Spanish Forum with an

activity that combined cultures from different times,

literature and video games.

Crea Cultura – Bertelsmann Forum

: In 2015 a new


Crea Cultura Forum

took place, in

collaboration with Bertelsmann, which addressed the

topic of new business models for music in the digital

age. The meeting was

attended by the musicians Jean-Michel Jarre, Oriol

Bonet and Xuso Jones, and was moderated by the

journalist Vicente Vallés.

Madrid Book Fair

: As part of Madrid Book Fair,



organised a debate about literary adaptations

for television and film.

Crea Cultura Experts Committee

2015 saw the start of the

Crea Cultura Experts


meetings, aimed at finding the best way to

instil in children the value of cultural creation and the

defence of intellectual property.

The Committee is made up of a multidisciplinary

group of prestigious professionals: Alfonso González,

Chairman of Asociación Educación Abierta (Open

Education Association); José de la Peña, ex-director

of Education y Conocimiento en Red de Fundación

Telefónica (Education and Knowledge in the

Telefónica Network Foundation); Tíscar Lara, Vice-

Dean at EOI; Joaquín Rodríguez, Manager of Punto

Neutro; Luis González, Director of Casa del Lector;

Rosalía Lloret, Director of Institutional Relations at

the Online Publishers Association Europe; Francisco

Ruiz, Director of Public Policies at Google; María Jesús

Magro, Director of the Pons Foundation; José Manuel

Pérez, representative of UNESCO; Antonio Lafuente,

researcher from CSIC; Sonia García, General Secretary

of Anpe; Javier Palazón, Director of the magazine

Educación 3.0; Héctor Sanz, Chairman of the Youth

Council; Carlos Magro, consultant in education and

ICT; Marta G. Franco, journalist and hacktivist; Carlos

Güervós, Deputy Director General for Intellectual

Property; and Carlos Flores, Director of Aula Planeta;

as well as a representative from the Official College of



Crea Cultura

campaign was recognised in 2015

by Federación de Gremios de Editores (Federation

of Publishers' Guilds) with the Liber Award and

by Federación para la Protección de la Propiedad

Intelectual (Federation for the Protection of

Intellectual Property, FAP) which granted Atresmedia

its Gold Medal for this movement

Crea Cultura Blog

During 2015,

Crea Cultura

continued with the activity

on its blog, on which it publishes its own articles about

intellectual property each week.

Professionals take part and give their opinion on

different aspects of this multifaceted debate. The

writer Juan Gómez-Jurado; Javier Gayoso,

director of Spotify in Spain; editor Claudio López

Lamadrid; journalist Mario Tascón; film-maker Nicolás

Alcalá; lawyer Sergio Carrasco; journalist Carmela Ríos;

and lawyer Natalia Marcos, among many others, have

contributed their arguments to the debate.



