Education, the focus of Fundación Atresmedia in 2014
Fundación Atresmedia
was created in order to channel the Group’s social action and from the
very start has focused its projects on children, one of the most vulnerable groups around the
world. As is expressed in its mission:
“Spreading knowledge and providing experiences that allow children to live happier lives and be
better citizens”
Among the organisation’s primary goals is improving and enhancing the relationship between
children and the television, internet and new technologies, in such a way that the three channels
constitute communication tools supporting their personal and civic development. Also among its
purposes is working within the issue of disability, promoting the voice and participation of young
people in issues that affect them and running hospital assistance initiatives that help make a
child’s stay in hospital more pleasant.
The Hospital Assistance Programme consolidated its presence
across the whole of Spain.
Proyecto PRO trained young people with a disability with the
launch of three new courses and added disability training in
front of camera areas.
Young people from "Te Toca!" talked to politicians about
More than 450 projects presented for the 'Iniciativas que
Educan/Initiatives that Educate' awards.
The 'Derechos de la Infancia/Children's Rights' campaign
improved schools in the Amazon rainforest.
'Children's Rights' Campaign
To mark the 25th anniversary of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, a
communication campaign has been run
consisting of 10 awareness spots with
10 different NGOs, who have each act-
ed as ambassadors and representatives
of a specific right.
The 'Un maestro una vida/One teacher,
one life' campaign has also managed
to raise 50,000 euros which will be do-
nated to the NGO CESAL to strength-
en the skills of more than 20 teachers
from schools in the communities of the
Amazon rainforest, as well as provide
10 schools with educational materials
in Spanish and their native language,
a move which will benefit more than
2,500 children.
10 spots from 10 different NGOs, broadcast to mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, have led to an increase in the awareness of the Spanish population about children's rights.