In 2014,
Ponle Freno
took a decisive step in setting its most ambitious objective since the initia-
tive was launched, one that is evident from the slogan chosen: ‘2020 Cero Víctimas’ (2020 Zero
Victims). To create publicity and involve as many organisations and people in the challenge as
possible, the ‘2020 cero víctimas’ manifesto was launched, which already has the support of more
than 700 organisations and 20,000 people.
2014 Ponle Freno Initiatives
3.0 Road Safety Conferences
In 2014, a new edition of the 3.0 Confer-
ence was held, aimed at reflecting on the
key aspects of road safety. On this occa-
sion, the meeting focused on the ‘2020
Cero Víctimas’ objective and involved
experts on the issue and representa-
tives from various groups such as bikers,
cyclists and drivers, who discussed the
most important measures to be adopted
by each of them in order to achieve the
proposed objective.
AXA Award for innovation in matters of Road
Ponle Freno Junior Award:
Linares Council (Jaén)
Ponle Freno Citizens Award:
, for its dedication over more than 25
years to traffic education and road safety.
Award for the Best Road Safety Initiative:
Narón Council (A Coruña).
6th edition of the Ponle Freno
The 6th edition of the Ponle Fre-
no awards once again recognised
the people, actions, organisations
and public authorities that actively
help to improve road safety in our
country. The award ceremony took
place in the Senate with the pres-
ence of the President of the Senate,
Pío García-Escudero and the Interi-
or Minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz,
among others.
'Good road education saves
As part of Ponle Freno, various
awareness campaigns have been
launched such as the usual ones for
the peak traffic periods of Easter
Week and summer. These ask peo-
ple to be cautious and responsible
when travelling on the roads. Ad-
ditionally, together with its strate-
gic partner Axa, Ponle Freno has
launched the awareness campaign
"Good education on the road saves
lives", which consists in the broad-
casting on the website and social
networks of four videos recorded
with a hidden camera which show
absurd situations seen in everyday
life but which also resemble hab-
its that regularly take place on the
roads. The campaign asked people
to share the videos to help them go
viral and spread the message.