the creation of new business areas which anticipate change;
the constant improvement in our management processes; our
innovative spirit and the work of a highly qualified team with
which I am very happy. Therefore, 2015 is the result of great work
by all of us who are part of this fantastic
and this
great work has not just been seen this year, but in all previous
years as well. We are who we are because over all these years
we have shown ourselves to be the most capable of anticipating,
innovating and, in short, preparing ourselves for change.
Our magnificent results are also the consequence of a leading,
sustainable and profitable model, which has managed to
combine commercial demands with audience recognition and is
relevant and excellently valued by both viewers and listeners and
by advertisers.
At our
, we do many things and we do them all well.
Atresmedia Televisión
has established its own way of
understanding the business. People can no longer doubt that
audience and prestige can go hand in hand and that this is not
the reserve of public television. If to these attributes we add
the enormous commercial appeal of our television offer to the
brands, we are looking at a successful and unique formula in
the industry. In mid-2015
Atresmedia Radio
started a renewal
process for its main station,
Onda Cero
, which will serve as a
lever to allow it to continue growing and to reaffirm and update
a leading model of radio that is close to its listeners, balanced,
participatory and diverse. Being the most profitable radio group
in the market for yet another year demonstrates the strength of
our approach.
Atresmedia Publicidad
has ended the year as the
largest seller of multimedia advertising in the Spanish market,
with 19.3% of the total investment in media, and is considered
the best valued TV advertising seller in terms of the quality of
the commercial service.
Atresmedia Diversificación
continues to
efficiently explore new sources of income and its contribution to
is growing. It is worth mentioning the extraordinary
expansion of our international channels, which now exceed 32
million subscribers worldwide. Moreover,
Atresmedia Digital
has closed 2015 as the Internet's leading audiovisual group, a
huge milestone, and
Atresmedia Cine
has managed to capture
a third of the box office takings for Spanish cinema with its six
releases, adding to this success the highest public awards and
Everyone at
knows that our leadership, the leading
position we have achieved over recent years, in all the business
areas in which we operate, goes far beyond simple audience
or financial figures. It also lies in our ability to set the agenda,
to generate the debates that matter and the conversations in
the street, and to set the pace.
7d: el debate decisivo
is a clear
example of what we are capable of doing as a Group and of the
position of opinion leaders that we have achieved in society. On
that night we set an unprecedented television milestone, we
were heavily involved in a unique event with an audience share
of 48.2% and 9,233,000 viewers, and we took a step forward
Our magnificent
results are the
of a leading,
and profitable
model, which
has managed
to combine
with audience
and is relevant
and excellently
valued by both
viewers and
listeners and by