Financial results
After several years of generalised decline, the advertising market has be-
gun to grow and is doing so at a time when
is in the best
possible position: an editorial line that is on the up, creative, highly ap-
preciated by the public and advertisers, and an efficient, professional and
flexible business model, which has successfully overcome the crisis with
some exceptional financial results. This is without doubt a good starting
point, at a time when the organisation has just celebrated the first 25
years of its history.
Advertising investment in the different media formats has experienced
significant growth, especially in the media formats where
present: television and radio. At this turning point, the Company’s results
have been exceptional.
Its Net Revenue reached 883.2 million euros (compared to 829.8 in
2013), which represents an increase of 6.4%.
Its EBITDA was 127.7 million euros (+59.3%), achieving a margin of
14.5% which is almost five points above the margin achieved in 2013.
Its Net Profit reached 46.7 million euros, 1.6% more than in 2013.
Its distributed economic value was 635.3 million euros.
Atresmedia Televisión
television division, despite losing three channels in the
month of May, has managed to notably increase its revenue, supported
by a market that is on the up, but also by the Group’s ability to react and
adapt to any environment by seeking new formulas.
Its Net Revenue was 784.5 million euros, compared to 728.5 in the
previous year, which is a growth of 7.7%.
Its EBITDA amounted to 103.3 million euros, which represented a
margin of 13.2%, and a growth of 98.4% compared to 2013.
Atresmedia Radio
has also obtained some magnificent results in the radio seg-
ment. This is primarily the result of attractive, balanced and diverse pro-
gramming which has gained the trust of the public and advertisers, to
such an extent that its revenue has grown by more than the market (+4%).
Its Turnover was 83.9 million euros, compared to 79.7 million euros
in the previous year, an increase of 5.2%.
Its EBITDA amounted to 17.6 million euros, compared to 16.9 million
in 2013.