It went on to triumph at the 29th edition of the Goya Awards, winning ten
awards. The film was considered by the Spanish Academy of Motion Pic-
ture Arts and Sciences as the best film of 2014, but it also took away the
awards for best director, best original screenplay, best male performance,
best female newcomer, best cinematography, best artistic direction, best
costume design, best original music score and best editing.
Pancho: el perro millionario
was also released in 2014. Directed and
scripted by Tom Fernández, this is a family comedy starring the famous
millionaire dog who became famous thanks to various advertisements for
the Primitiva Lottery.
Atresmedia Cine
is committed to new talent, providing new directors
with the opportunity to triumph in their early films. This is the case for
, directed by Alex Pina, with Alex García, Eduardo Blanco, Verónica
Echegui and Carmen Machi in the cast. The film was presented at the
Spanish Film Festival in Malaga, where it won the SIGNIS award.
is directed by the award-winning short film-maker Jorge Do-
rado who was nominated for the Goya award for best new director in the
28th edition of the Goya awards. The film was presented at the Sitges
Festival in 2013 with the appearance of its two stars, Mark Strong and
Taissa Farmiga, and has been screened in countries such as Japan, France
and America.
El club de los Incomprendidos
, the first film from the producer "Bambú
Producciones", and based on the best-selling Planeta production "Buenos
Días Princesa" features a cast of promising young stars, among which
are Alex Maruny, Ivana Baquero and Charlotte Castro. Directed by Carlos
Sedes, it continued on the billboard during 2015.