Atresmedia Publicidad
is one of the main reasons why the group has
managed to survive the advertising crisis and the withdrawal of the li-
cences from three of our channels.
Atresmedia Publicidad
has again
demonstrated that it is the most efficient organisation in the market, ob-
taining the greatest profit across all our products and brands and, there-
fore, strong financial results.
Net revenues reached 883.2 million euros (compared to 829.8 in 2013),
which represents a 6.4% increase. The EBITDA was 127.7 million euros
(+59.3%), achieving a sales margin of 14.5%, almost five points above the
margin achieved in 2013. Net profit reached 46.7 million euros, 1.6% more
than in 2013.
as a company is committed not only to profitability and its
shareholders, but also to society. Throughout 2014,
Antena 3
has contin-
ued with its corporate campaign,
Ponle Freno
, and has added
Crea Cul-
, a movement to raise awareness and defend the value of intellectual
property, which has been very well received by society and the cultural
Additionally, under the name
Constantes y Vitales
has launched
its first social responsibility campaign, in this case to enhance medical
and scientific research. Its main cause has been the recent request from
the Spanish Research Council.
In addition, the Federación de Mujeres Directivas, Profesionales y Empre-
sarias (Federation of Women Managers, Professionals and Entrepreneurs,
FEDEPE) has given
an award for its commitment to equality
between men and women.
With the aim of boosting Corporate Responsibility (CR), both internally
and externally, in 2014
joined the Asociación Española para
la Calidad (Spanish Quality Association, AEC) and is an active member of
its CSR Committee. We also participate in the Corporate Responsibility
Network run by RTL, in order to share knowledge and experience with
other companies in the RTL group.
The hospital assistance programme run by the
Atresmedia Foundation
has now reached the whole of Spain. In total, 130 hospitals benefit from it
and more than 170,000 children enjoy the television channel for hospital-
ised children called
. In 2014, the
has continued to have
education as the central focus of its activities. One of its most notable in-
itiatives was the meeting between young people and education advisers
in Congress. This allowed students to have their say and reflect on how
education could be improved.
In 2015, now that the worst of the crisis has passed, we will be faced with
a stimulating future full of new challenges that we will address with the
same spirit of hard work and innovation that José Manuel Lara, our Chair-
man, always demonstrated so well. We will continue to work tirelessly to
make his enormous legacy even greater.
Silvio González
The hospital
assistance programme
run by the Atresmedia
Foundation has now
reached the whole
of Spain. In total, 130
hospitals benefit from it
and more than 170,000
children enjoy the
television channel for
hospitalised children
called FAN3.