is not a leader just because of its business success.
Its position is also due to its commitment to society. For many years cor-
porate responsibility has been a strategic and cross-cutting feature at
and in all that time it has constantly provided us with value.
We are aware of the transforming ability that we have as a transmedia
group and the positive impact that our messages can have on society. As
a result, we do not hesitate to use our power to raise awareness and mo-
bilise people to help deal with the problems that affect and concern the
public. Examples include road safety, healthcare, protecting intellectual
property rights, promoting medical research and the education of chil-
dren and young people. Initiatives such as
Ponle Freno
and the constant
activity of
Fundación Atresmedia
have been helping society for almost
ten years, and new initiatives like
Objetivo Bienestar
Constantes y Vitales
Crea Cultura
were created in 2014 to follow in their footsteps.
The accessibility of our content, advertising self-regulation, and a com-
mitment to the future of the profession through training young people
are also found among our strongest commitments. Being a member of
the main corporate responsibility forums such as the Global Compact,
the Media CSR Forum and most recently the Asociación Española para
la Calidad (Spanish Association for Quality), has helped us to consolidate
our global corporate responsibility strategy, which we work on with dedi-
cation and conviction and which has allowed us to differentiate ourselves
in the industry, stand out among listed companies and receive several
José Manuel Lara ended his letter last year by looking towards the future,
which he described as promising. Especially, he said, given what we had
been able to achieve when the wind was blowing against us. As always,
he was right. Those of us who now take up the baton from him have a
wind that, although only slightly, is now blowing in our favour and we also
have the benefit of the professional heritage left to us by one of the best
businessmen that our country has ever seen. It will not be easy, but we
have the responsibility, commitment and willingness to work to ensure
remains the leading Spanish communications group and
I am sure that we will achieve this.
José Creuheras
For many years
corporate responsibility
has been a strategic and
cross-cutting feature
at Atresmedia and
in all that time it has
constantly provided us
with value.