Other changes not affecting the scope of consolidation in 2014:
On 3 January 2014, Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de Comunicación,
S.A. subscribed 154,412 new shares of Hola Televisión América, S.L. for a total nominal
amount and share premium of EUR 618 thousand. On 12 May 2014, Hola Televisión
América, S.L. performed another capital increase with a share premium in which the
Parent subscribed 99,638 new shares for a total of EUR 399 thousand. Lastly, on 25
September 2014 the Parent subscribed 88,227 new shares of the aforementioned
company for a total nominal amount and share premium of EUR 353 thousand. None of
the capital increases described above had an impact on the percentage of ownership held
in this associate's share capital.
On 16 December 2014, the Parent increased its investment in the associate
I3 Televisión, S.L. by EUR 425 thousand. However, this did not result in an increase in
the percentage of ownership held in this associate.
In December 2014, the Parent Atresmedia Corporación de Medios de
Comunicación, S.A. made various shareholders' contributions to offset losses to Cordina
Planet, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder Company), Antena 3 Noticias, S.L. (Sole-Shareholder
Company) and Atresmedia Foto, S.L. for EUR 4,919 thousand, EUR 1,661 thousand and
EUR 329 thousand, respectively.
On 30 December 2014, Uniprex, S.A. (Sole-Shareholder Company), as the
sole shareholder of Uniprex Valencia TV, S.L.U. (Sole-Shareholder Company), made a
shareholders' contribution to offset losses amounting to EUR 26 thousand.
Comparative information
The information relating to 2014 contained in these consolidated financial statements is
presented solely for comparison purposes with the information relating to the year ended
31 December 2015.
Accounting policies
The principal accounting policies used in preparing the Group's consolidated financial
statements, in accordance with EU-IFRSs, were as follows:
Goodwill on consolidation
Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of the cost of acquisition, plus
the non-controlling interests and fair value of any previous investment in the acquiree,
over the Group's interest in the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of a
subsidiary at the date of acquisition.
The assets and liabilities acquired are measured provisionally at the date on which
control of the company is obtained, and the resulting value is reviewed within a
maximum period of one year from the acquisition date until the fair value of the assets
and liabilities has been calculated definitively. Any difference between the acquisition
cost and the fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired will be temporarily recognised
as goodwill.
Goodwill acquired on or after 1 January 2004 is measured at acquisition cost and that
acquired earlier is recognised at the carrying amount at 31 December 2003. In both
cases, at the end of each reporting period goodwill is reviewed for impairment (i.e. a
reduction in its recoverable amount to below its carrying amount) and, if there is any
impairment, the goodwill is written down with a charge to “Impairment and Gains or
Losses on Disposals of Non-Current Assets” in the accompanying consolidated statement
of profit or loss