D. José Manuel Lara García
Mr. Nicolas de Tavernost
Total number of significant-shareholder appointed non-executive
% of total Board members
Name or company name of director
Ms. Aurora Catá Sala
Aurora Catá is an industrial engineer and has obtained an MBA from IESE. She became a partner at Seeliger y
Conde in 2008, as head of internships within the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) Division and
the Pharmaceutical sector.
She began her professional career in the financial sector, first at Bank of America and, subsequently, as Financial
Director at Nissan Motor Ibérica until 1996, when she assumed the General Management of RTVE in Catalonia.
Following this stage, she occupied the post of Chief Executive Officer of Planeta 2010, and was the Director
General of Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación from 2003 until the acquisition of Recoletos by RCS, at which time
she assumed the General Management of Unidad Editorial Sociedad de Revistas and the Development Area of the
RCS Group in Latam.
She is currently an independent director of Atresmedia Corporación and Banc Sabadell.
Name or company name of director
Ms. María Entrecanales Franco
Co-founder and Honorary Chairwoman of the Balia Foundation for Infancy, which was awarded the IMPULSA
prize in 2011, granted by the Girona Prince Foundation, and the UNICEF Spain 2010 prize for its volunteer
network. María has a Law degree from the Complutense University, a Master's Degree in International Law from
the London School of Economics (with Honours) and a Master's Degree in the functional management of NGOs
from ESADE obtained in 2000. She currently combines her work at the Balia Foundation with business initiatives
(she is the co-founder and image head of the Lateral restaurant chain). Since March 2009, she has sat on the
Board of Directors of Atresmedia Corporación. She is also a member of the Advisory Boards of the Barcelona
Contemporary Art Museum and the ARCO Foundation, and sits on the Board of Trustees of Universidad Antonio
de Nebrija. In 2011, she received the national prize for Top Female Senior Executive in the Solidarity and
Humanitarian Actions category.
Name or company name of director
Ms. Patricia Estany Puig
She is Managing Director at J.P. Morgan International Ltd, which she joined in Spain in 2010 to boost the Private
Banking business, after having worked at J.P. Morgan in London within the Capital Markets Division (1993-1996).
She has more than 20 years’ international experience in the financial sector, having occupied posts of
responsibility in various companies such as Lombard Odier (2008-2010), Consulnor Catalunya (2005-2008) and
Credit Lyonnais in New York and in London (1988-1993).
She began her professional career at Andersen Consulting, in the Paris office, in 1985. Between 1997 and 2004,
she led the internationalisation and restructuring of various family companies to which she was linked.
In the economic and social area, she sits on the Management Board of Foment del Treball and on the Board of
Trustees of the ESADE Foundation, where she is also a member of the Audit Committee and of the Institutional
Committee. Between 2003-2007 and 2000-2007, she was also Deputy Chairman and member of the