The Appointments and Remuneration Committee also assessed the competences and knowledge
of all people proposed as directors in 2015 (in terms of ratification, re-election or appointment), as
well as the functions and aptitudes required of the candidates, without favouring any discrimination
that does not specifically compensate an imbalance in the number of female directors at
Explain the form of representation on the Board of the shareholders with significant shareholdings.
The significant shareholders are represented on the Board of Directors by significant-shareholder
appointed directors who have been proposed thereby to the General Shareholders' Meeting and
whose appointment was informed upon favourably by the Appointments and Remuneration
Committee and approved by the Board of Directors itself.
Explain, where applicable, the reasons why significant-shareholder appointed directors have been
appointed at the behest of the shareholders whose holding is less than 3% of the capital:
Indicate whether formal petitions for presence on the Board have been ignored from shareholders
whose holding is equal to or higher than that of others at whose behest
appointed directors were nominated. Where applicable, explain why these petitions have been
No X
Indicate if any director has stood down before the end of his/her term in office, if the director has
explained his/her reasons to the Board and through which channels, and if the director sent a letter
of explanation to the entire Board, explain below at least the reasons that he/she gave:
Indicate the powers, if any, delegated to the Chief Executive Officer(s):
Name or company name
of the director
Brief description
Mr. Silvio González Moreno
All the powers of the Board of Directors, except those
that may not be delegated under legal or by-law
Identify, where appropriate, the members of the Board that assume director or executive posts in
other companies forming part of the listed Company's Group:
Name of the director
Reason for the resignation
Changes in the shareholder structure of the
Imagina Group. Replaced as director by
Mediaproducción, S.L.U. on 25/02/2015.
Changes in the shareholder structure of the
Imagina Group and reduction of its equity
interest in Atresmedia. Mediaproducción,
S.L.U. resigned on 24/09/2015 and Mr. Josep
Mº Benet Ferrán became the representative of
the director Imagina Media Audiovisual, S.L.,
substituting Mr. José Miguel Contreras Tejera.
As a result of such resignation, a vacancy
arose on the Company’s Board of Directors
that has not been filled by co-optation.