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Greater flexibility and amplification in the duration of the meetings of the collective bodies, so

that directors can more easily adapt to the specific content of the agenda.


Review of the evaluation questionnaire approved by the Appointments and Remuneration

Committee to identify those practices recommended by the new Code of Best Practice for

listed corporations, to be included in such review.


In 2015, the evaluation questionnaire included 20 new questions, relating to the following areas:

corporate governance, directors’ duties, the risk control and management system, corporate

responsibility and the evaluation form.

This internal analysis concluded that there had been a high degree of compliance with and application of

the 2014 Action Plan proposals. However, they will continue to be taken as reference for successive

years and those that have not been fully implemented will form part of the 2016 Action Plan.

C.1.20.bis Describe the evaluation process and the areas assessed by the Board of Directors aided, where

appropriate, by an external consultant, regarding the diversity of its structure and competences, the

functioning and breakdown of its committees, the performance of the Chairman of the Board of

Directors and of the Company's CEO, together with the diligence and contributions of each director:

Description of changes

The evaluation is performed internally, organised and coordinated by the Chairman of the Board of

Directors with the technical assistance of the Secretary to the Board of Directors. It not only

encompasses the functioning of the Board as a collective body but also includes a review of compliance

with the individual duties and obligations of the directors, taking into account the positions they hold on

the committees, and the activity of the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the

Secretary to the Board.

The evaluation is performed on the basis of the following information:


Responses of the directors, included in specific confidential individual evaluation questionnaires.

The questionnaire form was prepared by the Secretary to the Board of Directors, with the

supervision of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.


Annual reports on the breakdown, functioning and activity of the Board of Directors and of the

Board Committees, in line with Recommendation 36 of the Code of Best Practice for listed

corporations and article 8.2.j) of the Board of Directors’ Regulations.

The aforementioned reports are prepared and approved by the related bodies to which they refer,

except that of the Board of Directors, which is prepared by the Appointments and Remuneration

Committee and which is submitted to it for its approval.

These reports are structured as follows: internal system, competences, breakdown, functioning and

most notable activities in the year. They specifically refer to the changes affecting each collective

body, as well as to the regulatory novelties arising in the year.

The results of the assessment are included in an overall report divided into two parts: (i) Analysis

on the measures and proposals included in the Action Plan that formed part of the preceding year’s

evaluation report (ii) The Action Plan for that year, with specific verifiable action proposals.

C.1.20.ter Breakdown, where appropriate, of the business relationships that the consultant or any of its group

companies hold with the Company or any of its Group companies.



Indicate the cases in which directors are obliged to resign.

According to article 14 of the Board of Directors' Regulations, directors will offer their resignation to the

Board of Directors and make the relevant dismissal in the following cases, if considered appropriate by

the Board:


When executive directors no longer hold the executive or management offices to which their

appointment as directors was linked.


When the shareholder represented by the significant-shareholder appointed directors sells its

whole shareholding or when such shareholder reduces its shareholding up to a limit that requires a

reduction in the number of its significant-shareholder appointed directors.