the participation of more than one audiovisual communication service provider, aimed at
guaranteeing pluralism in the Audiovisual Television Market.
Indicate whether the Shareholders' Meeting has resolved to adopt neutralisation measures with
regard to a takeover bid under Law 6/2007.
No X
If so, explain the measures approved and the terms under which the restrictions would become
Indicate whether the Company has issued securities that are not traded on regulated EU markets.
No X
Where appropriate, indicate the different classes of shares and, for each class of shares, the rights
and obligations granted.
Indicate and, where applicable, give details as to whether there are any differences with respect to
the minimum standards established under the Spanish Companies Law with respect to the
constitution quorum of the General Shareholders' Meeting.
No X
Indicate and, where applicable, give details on any differences with respect to the system
established under the Spanish Companies Law regarding the adoption of corporate resolutions:
No X
Indicate the regulations governing changes in the Company's Articles of Association. In particular,
the majorities envisaged to amend the Articles of Association and, where appropriate, the
regulations foreseen to protect the rights of shareholders in the amendment of such Articles of
Association will be notified
Changing the Company’s Articles of Association is the exclusive competency of the General
Shareholders’ Meeting (article 19 of the Articles of Association), governed by the Spanish
Companies Law, with no specialisation.
The following requirements are established by Law:
That the directors, or, when appropriate, the shareholders who drafted the proposal,
prepare a written report justifying such proposal.
That the scope of the changes that must be made are clearly explained at the General
Shareholders’ Meeting.
That in the announcement of the General Meeting, all shareholders are notified of their right
to examine the entire wording of the proposed change at the Company's registered offices,
as well as the report on such change, and to request the handing over or free delivery of
said documents.
That the resolution be adopted at the General Shareholders’ Meeting, in accordance with
articles 194 and 201 of the Spanish Companies Law.
In all cases, the resolution will be recorded in a public deed that will be filed in the Mercantile
Register, and it will be published, once filed, in the Official Bulletin of the Mercantile Register.
Provide attendance data on the Shareholders' Meetings held during the year to which this report
refers, and that of the preceding year's meetings: