Adaptation to new legislation
In 2014 we can highlight the passing of Law 31/2004 which amends the Capital Company Act, the
result of the work of the Committee of Experts. The Board of Directors, as the central body involved
in the correct governance of a company, has obligations relating to leadership, defining the compa-
ny’s strategy, supervision of the management, etc. and is responsible to the shareholders, investors
and third parties who may be affected by its actions for compliance with these obligations and for
its own management.
As a result of the entry into force of the reform to the Law, the Board of Directors and the General
Shareholders’ Meeting will have to adopt agreements in 2015 to adapt the internal regulatory texts
to the amendments of the Law.
In this context of reviewing and enhancing the Corporate Governance of listed companies, the
Appointments and Remuneration Committee has launched some specific initiatives, for example:
Approval by the Board in the first quarter of each year, after a report from the Appoint-
ments and Remuneration Committee, of a report assessing the Board of Directors, its Com-
mittees, the Chairman and the CEO, in relation to the previous financial year, compiled from
responses from the directors to a questionnaire created for this purpose.
Approval by the Board of Directors, in the first quarter of each year, of a report on its activ-
ities in the previous financial year.
Approval by each of the Board’s Committees, in the first quarter of every year, of a report
containing their activities in the previous financial year and communication of these to the
Board of Directors.
The Annual Corporate Governance Report (ACGR) forms part of the
Company's management report and is disclosed to the market as a significant
event through the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National
Securities Market Commission) website
( www.cnmv.es )and the company's
corporate website
( www.atresmediacorporacion.com). The Directors'
Remuneration Report (DRR) is also available on the website.