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Non-current assets and liabilities classified as held for sale and discontinued


The Group classifies under this heading in the consolidated balance sheet the non-current

assets and disposal groups whose carrying amount is expected to be recovered through a

sale transaction or liquidation rather than through continued use.

The non-current assets of discontinued operations are recognised at the lower of carrying

amount and market value.

The non-current liabilities of discontinued operations include the fair value of the liabilities

associated with the aforementioned assets which are expected to be settled at short term.

At year-end there aren’t assets or liabilities recorded for this concept in the Consolidated

Balance Sheet.


Classification of financial assets and liabilities as current or non-current

In the accompanying consolidated balance sheet, financial assets and liabilities are

classified on the basis of the time in which it is estimated that they will be realised or

settled, i.e. financial assets and liabilities that are expected to be realised or settled over

the course of the company's normal business cycle or within no more than 12 months are

classified as current items, and those which do not meet these requirements are classified

as non-current items.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are classified as non-current regardless of when they are

expected to be realised or settled.


Hedging derivatives

All the derivatives held by the Group at 31 December 2014 were OTC derivatives, whose

prices are not quoted on organised futures and options markets and, therefore, it is

necessary to apply generally accepted valuation techniques, based on objective market

data, used in the measurement of financial instruments of this nature.

Foreign exchange hedges

The derivative financial instruments held by the Group companies are basically cash flow

hedges arranged to mitigate the exposure of the cash flows associated with external

production rights to fluctuations in the US dollar/euro exchange rate.

Foreign currency hedging contracts are valued using the spot exchange rate and the

forward interest rate curves of the related currencies. The “market” foreign currency

hedge is calculated at year-end and is compared with the price of the foreign currency

hedge arranged.

The Parent arranged interest rate swaps (IRSs) in order to fix the finance cost arising from

the floating rates applicable to each of the tranches of the syndicated financing that it had
