The provisional accounting statement prepared in accordance with legal requirements
evidencing the existence of sufficient liquidity for the distribution of the dividends is as
of euros
Liquidity at 31 October 2015
Projected cash until 31 December 2015:
Current transactions from November to December 2015
Financial transactions from November to December 2015
Projected dividend payment
Projected liquidity at 31 December 2015
25. Remuneration of the Board of Directors
In 2015 the remuneration earned by the current and former members of the Parent’s Board
of Directors (composed at 31 December 2015 of three women and nine men) in the form of
salaries, attendance fees and life insurance premiums amounted to EUR 4,274 thousand,
EUR 777 thousand and EUR 15 thousand, respectively. In 2014 these remuneration items
amounted to EUR 3,940 thousand, EUR 795 thousand and EUR 16 thousand, respectively.
The Parent has not granted any loans or advances to its Board members and it does not
have any supplementary pension, retirement bonus or special indemnity obligations to them
in their capacity as directors.
26. Information regarding situations of conflict of interest involving the directors
Pursuant to Article 229 of the Spanish Limited Liability Companies Law (LSC), the
following information is included:
In 2015 none of the directors reported to the Board of Directors any direct or indirect conflict
of interest that they or persons related to them, as defined in Article 213 of the LSC, might
have with respect to the Company.
27. Events after the reporting period
There were no significant events between the reporting date and the date of formal
preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
28. Explanation added for translation to English
These financial statements are presented on the basis of the regulatory financial reporting
framework applicable to the Group in Spain (see Note 2-a). Certain accounting practices
applied by the Group that conform with that regulatory framework may not conform with
other generally accepted accounting principles and rules.