In its strictly formal aspects the Company only partially complies with this Recommendation, since it
prepares and publishes all the reports mentioned therein, but not all of them are published on the
web page in an unbundled manner. However, with regard to the material duty of disclosure involved
in the Recommendation, the degree of Atresmedia’s compliance is deemed to be total.
Accordingly, together with the announcement of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, the
reports on sections b) and d) are published on the web page, but not those of sections a) and c).
To date, the Company has not considered it necessary since the same information that is included in
these reports also appears in detail in the notes to both the individual and consolidated financial
statements. In the Company’s opinion, this is the most adequate context to inform the shareholder of
the independence of the external auditor that audits the financial statements and of the details of the
related party transactions, as a further aspect in the Company's ordinary management. However,
Atresmedia will continue to assess this publication possibility in the specific manner established by
the Recommendation, critically reviewing its own stance, and taking the practices of other listed
corporations as reference.
The Company must transmit the holding of general shareholders' meetings live on its web page.
The progressive implementation of technical means aimed at increasing the level of participation of
Company shareholders at the General Meeting, be it directly or remotely, such as the shareholder
forum or remote voting, generated marginal, almost zero participation which, on the other hand, is in
keeping with the scant number of attendees at the General Meeting. The Company considers that all
of this is due to the specific breakdown of Atresmedia's shareholder structure, and also to the
extraordinary level of notoriety and additional information (in all aspects) as a result of the
Company’s status as a communication group, with a constant presence in the media.
Accordingly, the expected interest in holding Atresmedia’s General Meeting is objectively less than
that of other listed companies (with more shareholders and an exceptional media presence). All the
information on events at the General Meeting is subsequently published on the corporate web page.
Such information is available in full, is easy to access and may be downloaded without any
restrictions or limitations: speeches, quorums, votes, full resolution proposals, financial statements,
reports, etc.
The Audit Committee should oversee that the Board of Directors endeavours to present the annual
accounts to the General Shareholders’ Meeting without reservations or qualifications in the auditors’
report. In the exceptional cases in which qualifications exist, both the Chairman of the Audit
Committee and the auditors should give a clear account to shareholders of the scope and content of
such qualifications and restrictions.
On an on-going basis, the Company must publish the requirements and procedures it considers
acceptable to accredit ownership of shares, the right to attend the General Shareholders' Meeting
and the exercise or delegation of the voting right.
And such requirements and procedures must favour attendance and the exercise of its rights vis-à-
vis shareholders, and be applied in a non-discriminatory manner.
When any legitimate shareholder has exercised, before the General Shareholders' Meeting has been
held, the right to complete the agenda or to submit new proposed resolutions, the Company must:
Immediately publish such supplementary points and new proposed resolutions.
Publish the specimen attendance card or proxy or remote voting form with the modifications
required so that the new points on the agenda and alternative proposals under the same terms
as those proposed by the Board of Directors can be voted upon.