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Submit all these points or alternative proposals to vote, applying the same voting rules as those

prepared by the Board of Directors, including in particular, the presumptions or deductions

regarding the voting outcome.


After the General Shareholders' Meeting, notify the voting breakdown on such supplementary

points or alternative proposals.



If the Company intends to pay attendance fees to the General Shareholders' Meeting, it should

establish a general policy in advance regarding such fees, which must be stable.

Not applicable.


The Board of Directors performs its functions with a single purpose and independent criteria, grants

the same treatment to all shareholders in the same position and is guided by corporate interest,

understood to be the attainment of a business that is profitable and sustainable at long term, which

promotes its continuity and maximises the Company's economic value.



The Board of Directors should have the correct size to achieve maximum effectiveness and

participation, thereby ideally comprising between five and fifteen members.



The Board of Directors should approve a director selection policy that:


Is specific and verifiable.


Ensures that the appointment or re-election proposals are based on a preliminary analysis of the

Board of Directors' needs.


c) Favours diversity of knowledge, experiences and gender.

The findings of the preliminary analysis of the Board of Directors' needs are included in an

explanatory report published by the Appointments Committee upon announcement of the

General Shareholders' Meeting, which deliberates on the ratification, appointment or re-election

of each director.

This policy of selecting directors promotes the objective that in 2020 the number of female

directors represents at least 30% of total Board members.

The Appointments Committee will verify compliance with the directors’ selection policy on a

yearly basis and inform upon it in the Annual Corporate Governance Report.



Significant-shareholder appointed and independent directors should occupy an ample majority on

the Board, while the number of executive directors should be the minimum required given the

complexity of the corporate group and the ownership interests held by such directors in the




The percentage of significant-shareholder appointed directors with respect to total non-executive

directors should not exceed the proportion between the capital represented on the Board by such

directors and the remainder of the Company's capital.

This criteria can be limited to:


Large cap companies in which few equity stakes attain the legal threshold for significant
