Atresmedia has identified all the processes and organisational units that have an effect on the ICFR.
The risks related with the ICFR are identified, and assigned to the corresponding processes and
organisational units.
The Internal Control over Financial Reporting system (ICFR) of Atresmedia is included within the
GRC System described in detail in section H -which refers to those risks and controls related with
the preparation and publication of all the financial information.
Periodically, on an annual basis, a risk assessment is performed to detect the following errors:
The controls identified for each of the risks related with the ICFR are classified on the basis of
whether they are designed to prevent or detect errors and fraud in financial reporting. The controls
are frequently assessed during the year.
To determine the importance and probability of the risk of releasing incorrect information with
respect to financial reporting, the Atresmedia Group evaluates the following parameters:
The complexity of the transactions and of the applicable rules
The volume of transactions and the quantitative importance of the items affected
The complexity of the calculations
The need to use estimates or projections
The enforcement of judgements
The qualitative importance of the information
The existence of an identification process of the scope of consolidation, taking into account,
among other aspects, the possible existence of complex corporate structures, holding
companies or special purpose vehicles.
In the case of the Atresmedia Group, the companies forming the scope of consolidation for the
consolidated financial statements of the Atresmedia Group are identified. However, a specific
company identification process does not exist due to the absence of complexity in the Group’s
corporate organisation.
The process addresses other types of risk (operational, technological, financial, legal, tax,
reputational, environmental, etc.) insofar as they may affect the financial statements.
Yes, they are integrated within the GRC System.
Whether the Entity's governing body supervises the process.
The ICFR is supervised by the Audit and Control Committee. To perform such supervision, it has
the collaboration of the Regulatory Compliance Committee and, in particular, of the Financial
Division and of the Internal Audit and Process Control Division, which have performed the
identification work and assessed the risks associated with the ICFR.
Control activities
Report highlighting their main characteristics, if they have at least:
Review and authorisation procedures regarding financial reporting and description of
the ICFR, to be published in the securities markets, indicating the persons in charge,
and descriptive documentation of the activity and control flows (including those relating
to fraud risk) of the different types of transactions that may materially affect the