This system is structured around an
Internal CR Committee
that meets
regularly and which is responsible for
ensuring compliance with the corporate
policies, ensuring the transversal nature of
Corporate Responsibility at the Company
and introducing and monitoring the
objectives on social and environmental
To improve the response to needs and
expectations of the main stakeholders of
is one of the main principles
of this management system. The Group
has therefore established several specific
communications channels that guarantee
ongoing and open dialogue. These include
different corporate email addresses,
newsletters for customers and audiences,
the launch of surveys, organising face-to-
face focus groups, qualitative studies and
many social networking profiles.
One of the main communication
tools is the Corporate Responsibility
Report which is published annually and
contains the most relevant data and
issues for the Company. The 2015 CR
Report been compiled in accordance
with the current reporting trends and
demands, so that, firstly, it complies
with the latest G4 version of the guide
for preparation of reports issued by
the International reference enterprise
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), as
well as the GRI sectoral supplement of
communication media; and secondly,
gradually includes (and in greater depth)
the contents recommended through
the international framework for the
preparation of Integrated Reports created
by the International Integrated Reporting
Council (IIRC).
G4-24, G4-25, G4-26, G4-27
Members of the Atresmedia Corporate Responsibility Committee.