Despite ending 2014 with three fewer channels than at the start of the
year and two fewer than our main competitor, as a result of the well-
known judgement from the Supreme Court,
Atresmedia Televisión
closed the year with a 27.7% audience share, has managed to lead in the
evening timeslot, one the most important, with 30.4%, and has the high-
est rate of hits in the market. By network,
Antena 3
achieved its highest
figures over the last five years, after three consecutive years of growth,
and is the absolute leader in the commercial target.
, meanwhile,
has closed its best ever year and the second generation networks,
, have been the most viewed in their genre and audience, also
breaking audience records.
For 2015 we trust that the legal and administrative uncertainties that are
still affecting the TV sector will begin to fade and we can finally run our
business in the stable environment that is so desired and necessary.
Atresmedia Radio
has once again demonstrated the strength of its of-
fering as a whole.
Onda Cero
remains the station with the best rate of
profitability per listener and
Europa FM
does not seem to have found its
limit yet and continues to gain positions in the ranking of radio formulas.
Both have once again been the fastest growing in 2014. Far from being
satisfied with these figures, we have been able to successfully expand our
family of stations through
Melodía FM
established as the absolute market leader for consum-
ing audiovisual products across all the new media supports,
has accumulated more than 530 million playbacks across all its
channels, double that in 2013, and has created
, the
multi-channel platform on Youtube with more than 30 offers of self-pro-
duced news and entertainment. Similarly it has boosted its growth strat-
egy with new verticals that have doubled the audience throughout the
year and have placed, among other milestones,
Antena 3
as the private
network with the most fans on Facebook and the first national television
network to exceed one million followers on this social network.
Atresmedia Cine
, meanwhile, has been a notable leader and driving force
in what has been considered one of the best years in the history of Span-
ish cinema. All of the productions from our film division were among the
25 most viewed and three of them were among the five with the most
Torrente 5
Exodus: dioses y reyes
La isla mínima
, the latter
having been hugely popular with audiences and critics alike and having
won recognition as the film of the year.
Atresmedia Diversificación
has strengthened its expansion policy during
2014. The
Atres Series
channels, launched last year,
¡Hola! TV
3 Internacional
together now exceed 25 million subscribed households
throughout the world, turning our Group into the European private tel-
evision operator with the most signals outside its borders. Similarly, the
media for equity area has been strengthened and at year end we had a
portfolio of seven participating companies with a high growth potential.
The success of all these activities and business areas is largely possible
thanks to the efficiency of
Atresmedia Publicidad
which has again been
the largest seller of multimedia advertising on the Spanish market with a
share of 23% of the total investment in conventional media. The creation
, a laboratory for innovation and technology applied
to advertising, and the Advertisers’ Office, are the result of its constant
desire to improve.
is not a leader just because of its business success.
Its position is also due to its commitment to society. For many years cor-
For 2015 we
trust that the legal
and administrative
uncertainties that
are still affecting
the TV sector will
begin to fade and
we can finally run
our business in the
stable environment
that is so desired
and necessary.
Our overall
approach as a
Group has been to
commit to plurality
and diversity as
a differentiating
value and to
become an
important and
necessary part of a
society, which we
are here to serve,
which is also plural
and diverse.