De Agostini Communications participates in the sector for the production of content for media
organisations through Zodiak Media, present in seventeen countries, mostly European, and in the
broadcasting of content through Atresmedia, controlled jointly with its Spanish partner Planeta.
DeA Capital is present in the alternative investments sector, both with direct and indirect private
equity investments and with controlling stakes in alternative asset management platforms. The
group also has a total holding of 2.43% in Assicurazioni Generali.
RTL Group
With 49 television channels and 29 radio stations in twelve countries, it is the European leader in
the entertainment market. The Company, which has its headquarters in Luxembourg, has interests
in radio and television stations in Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Spain, Hunga-
ry, Croatia and South-East Asia.
It is also one of the main producers of content for television offering talent shows, game shows,
dramas and soap operas.
Television: RTL Group is the largest television company in Europe. Each day, millions of viewers
across the continent watch something on an RTL channel, such as RTL in Germany, M6 in France,
RTL 4 in Holland and RTL-TVI in Belgium. The multinational company also has subsidiaries in mar-
kets such as Hungary (RTL Klub, RTL II plus six cable channels), Croatia (RTL Televizija, RTL 2 and
RTL Kockica), and Spain through
. In August 2013, RTL and CBS Studios International
announced a Joint Venture, RTL CBS Asia Entertainment Network, to launch two pay TV channels
in South-East Asia.
Content: FremantleMedia, the content production division at RTL, is one of the largest interna-
tional producers outside the United States. Each year it produces more than 8,500 hours of pro-
gramming in 62 countries. It is also one of the most important managers of audio-visual rights in
the world, with more than 20,000 hours sold in a total of 200 countries.
Radio: RTL radio stations reach millions of people each day. The leading brands in radio are RTL in
France; and it also has interests in Germany (Antenne Bayern), Belgium (Bel RTL, Radio Contact),
Spain (
Onda Cero
Europa FM
Melodía FM
) and Luxembourg (RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg).
Bertelsmann has been the majority shareholder of RTL since July 2001. RTL shares are traded on
the stock markets of Frankfurt, Brussels and Luxembourg.
Imagina Media Audiovisual
Imagina Media Audiovisual, S.L. is the parent company of one of the most important audiovisual
groups in Europe. Created in 2006 from the merger between Mediapro and Globalmedia, it is
present worldwide. Imagina is a leading company in the creation and broadcasting of audiovisual
Imagina Media Audiovisual, S.L. has been a shareholder in
Corporación since 31 Octo-
ber 2012, the date of its merger with
. Its participation in the shareholding of
Corporación is 3.39%