Pursuant to that envisaged, the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held in 2014
approved the 2013 financial statements as prepared by the Board of Directors.
Consequently, the profit obtained exceeded that set at the time as the minimum required to
recover this reduction to directors' remuneration, which was causal, limited and
The amount of the reduction in 2013, accrued in that year, was paid to the directors in
2014, the year in which the aforementioned reduction of 15% ceased to be applied.
Mr. José Miguel Contreras Tejera has entered into an agreement to provide services to the
Company. As consideration, in 2014 and 2013, respectively, Mr. Contreras received €432
thousand and €382 thousand. The aforementioned relationship is separate from his
activity as representative of IMAGINA MEDIA AUDISUAL, S.A. on its Board of Directors.
Approval of the Report.
This Annual Remuneration Report was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at
its meeting on 25 February 2015.
Indicate whether any directors have voted against or abstained with respect to the
approval of this Report.