Indicate and, where appropriate, detail whether the company has established rules
obliging the directors to inform upon and, where appropriate, resign in those cases
which may harm the company's proceeds and reputation:
Yes X No
Explain the rules
In accordance with article 15.2.f) of the Board of Directors' Regulations, the directors
must offer their resignation to the Board of Directors and resign accordingly should
the Board deem it advisable when, in the figure of director, circumstances arise which
may adversely affect the company's proceeds and reputation. In such cases, the
director must immediately inform the Board about the criminal proceedings in which
he/she is involved as defendant, as well as the subsequent outcome.
Indicate whether any Board member has informed the company of being sued or having
any court proceedings initiated against him or her for any of the offences listed in article
213 of the Spanish Companies Law:
Yes No X
Name of the director
Criminal case
Indicate whether the Board of Directors has analysed the case. If the response is
affirmative, explain in a reasoned manner the decision taken on whether it is
appropriate or otherwise for the director to continue in his/her position or, where
appropriate, set forth the procedures performed by the Board of Directors up to the
date of this report or which are envisaged.
Yes No
Decision taken/procedure
Reasoned explanation
Detail the significant agreements entered into by the company which take effect, alter or
terminate if there is a change of control at the company following a takeover bid, and
their effects.
Identify on an aggregate and detailed basis the agreements reached between the
company and its administration and management posts or employees which have
indemnity payments, guarantee or lock-in clauses, when such employees resign or are
unfairly dismissed, or whether the contractual relationship comes to an end as a result
of a takeover bid or other type of transaction.
Number of beneficiaries
Type of beneficiary
Description of the resolution