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Articles 19.5-e and 19.6-c of the Board of Directors' Regulations establish that the

Secretary to the Board of Directors must provide special supervision to guarantee the

legal and by-law regularity of the Board's procedures, also verifying compliance with

the provisions of the regulatory bodies, together with their recommendations, and it

will guarantee that the company's corporate governance procedures and rules are



Indicate what mechanisms the company has established, if any, to preserve the

independence of the external auditors, the financial analysts, the investment banks and

the rating agencies.

The Audit and Control Committee is responsible for ensuring the independence and

efficiency of audits; for proposing the selection, appointment, re-election and dismissal

of the auditor; for receiving regular information regarding his/her activities; and for

verifying that senior management takes into account the conclusions and

recommendations of its reports.

In this connection, in accordance with the Audit Law approved by Legislative Royal-

Decree 1/2011 of 1 July and its enacting Regulation, approved by Royal Decree

1517/2011 of 31 October, as well as the consolidated Spanish Companies Law,

approved by Legislative Royal- Decree 1/2010 of 2 July, the Audit and Control

Committee establishes the appropriate relations with the external auditor to receive

information on matters that may jeopardize its independence.

For this purpose:


On an annual basis, the company receives written confirmation from the external

auditors of its independence vis-à-vis the entities directly or indirectly related to

it, together with information on additional services of any kind provided to these

entities by the aforementioned auditors, or by persons or entities related thereto,

in accordance with the audit legislation.


The company will have to inform the Spanish Securities Market Commission

(CNMV), as a significant event, of a change of auditor, attaching thereto, as the

case may be, a statement regarding the possible disagreements with the outgoing

auditor and, if they had existed, the content thereof.


The company has established the appropriate measures to ensure that the

company and the auditor comply with the applicable laws regarding the provision

of services other than auditing services, with the restrictions on the concentration

of the auditor’s business, and, in general, with other laws stipulated to safeguard

the independence of auditors.


The Audit and Control Committee has competency to examine the circumstances

which motivated the external auditor to resign, in the event this occurs.

The Audit and Control Committee is obliged to issue a report each year expressing an

opinion on the independence of the auditors, including a statement on the provision of

its additional services of any kind (Additional Provision Eighteen of Securities Market

Law 24/1988).

The notes to the financial statements and this Corporate Governance Report contribute

information on the audit and other services provided by the external auditor in the



Indicate whether the company has changed its external auditor during the year. If so,

identify the incoming and outgoing auditors:

Yes No X

Outgoing auditor

Incoming auditor

If there were disagreements with the outgoing auditor, explain their grounds: